Tamara Moore
Osteopathic Manual Therapist
Tamara has a Master in Practice of Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy, the only four-year classical osteopathic education currently available in Canada. Tamara discovered Osteopathy through her pursuit of mindfulness meditation and teaching yoga. She wanted to work in a manner that would benefit her clients in a more individualized way by understanding the source of that person’s injury or physical symptoms and restoring movement and health where it had been diminishing.
As an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner, Tamara is working with your body to remove physical restriction and address ailment: your body will continue to do the real work after you leave her office. Treatment is gentle and individually built to work with you and the unique challenges you are facing. Relief often begins immediately after that first session and can be deepened during further treatment. Osteopathy is for every body!
Osteopathy can assist with addressing your:
Chronic pain
Acute flare-up of chronic pain
Back pain or injury
Neck pain or injury
Shoulder pain or injury
Hip pain or injury
Any strain or sprain
Tension and stress-related pain
Herniated discs
Frozen shoulder
Inflammation and edema
Tamara completed her training at the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy (CAO) in Hamilton. The CAO trains their students in a four-year intensive, full-time program teaching Classical Osteopathy.
Tamara is also a certified yoga instructor and has completed her Reiki level 1.
Tamara is a professional member of Osteopathy Canada.
E-mail: info@touchstonehealth.ca
564-572 Weber Street North, Unit 3A Waterloo, Ontario N2L5C6