Acupuncture IVF Treatment Plan
By Anna Totzke, Registered Acupuncturist
Acupuncture has been used to optimize women’s fertility for over 2000 years. There have been several recent clinical studies showing that acupuncture for IVF can:
-Increase your chances of implantation and full-term births.
-Minimize symptoms associated with ART treatments.
-Reduce stress and help you relax before and during IVF.
Acupuncture: To Prepare for IVF
Starting acupuncture treatments 2-3 + months before your IVF cycle is ideal to help prepare your body for pregnancy, to encourage relaxation, to balance any underlying health concerns, and focus on the maturation of the egg.
One acupuncture treatment a week is recommended if acupuncture is started 2-3 months ahead but if acupuncture treatments are started 1 month or less before the IVF cycle, twice a week is recommended.
Acupuncture During the IVF Cycle: (days are approximate)
DAY 1-3 Menstrual Period – One acupuncture treatment
DAY 6-11 Follicular Development – One acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture can alleviate the side-effects of hormonal stimulation, improve blood flow to the ovaries and uterus (resulting in better ovarian response and a receptive endometrium).
DAY 11-14 Days leading into Trigger Injection and/or Day of – 1-2 treatments
Day 14- 16 After Egg Collection – One acupuncture treatment
Acupuncture can help recover from the procedure and prepare the uterus for implantation. This treatment also helps with any bloating and ease cramping after egg collection.
Day Of / Day Before Transfer – One acupuncture treatment
Research shows that this treatment significantly increases pregnancy rates.
Day after to week after Transfer – One treatment following transfer and one about a week later
These treatments promote implantation and eases any anxiety.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Anna Totzke, R.Ac.
564-572 Weber Street North, Unit 3A Waterloo, Ontario N2L5C6