Do you find it intimidating or overwhelming to prepare healthy foods for yourself or your family? This is a common reasons why most people struggle with clean eating. We all know the basics of eating better – lots of vegetables, added fruits, healthy proteins and clean carbohydrates work for many but it’s hard to actually do this on a consistent basis.
Many people’s lives are full…full of many things and eating healthy foods generally falls off the priority list or is forgotten. By the end of a busy day/week, it’s hard to make good decisions that are in alignment with how we wish to be eating. Check out this article on Decision Fatigue by The Harvard Business Review. Do you ever find yourself eating well and clean for the first part of your day but by the end are eating foods you wish you hadn’t? We make dozens, some studies report hundreds of food-related decisions throughout our day and after deciding many things throughout the course of a day, we are tired and start making easier decisions which usually results in poorer choices for our health. I know for myself, I have ideals of eating healthy foods but sometimes the inspiration falls short and I’m eating the same thing over and over or eating rice crackers and hummus at the end of a long day which although is an ok food, not a match for my constitution which does better on vegetables and a light protein.
So, we have begun a new program to help you eat clean and take away the work of deciding what to eat and when. We are now developing Healthy Meal Plans to suit your specific dietary needs. Weekly or Monthly recipe plans are put together for your specific needs. Foods can be avoided specific to your needs and menus can be created specifically for your health goals (example: dairy-free, gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, FODMAP, Anti-inflammatory, PCOS, Thyroid, Autoimmune, etc).
What’s included:
-a detailed shopping list is given for your plan
-a to-do list for the week of prepping food
-all the recipes
-micro and macronutrient breakdown
-caloric breakdown
And…we can make it for whatever serving size you want. If you have a family of 5 we can ensure all recipes are specific for your 5 people or for one person. Prepping your week/month is incredibly easy as we do the work for you.
We started this program a month ago as many people were sharing their desire to eat well but that more support was needed to stay interested and consistent. We hope this is the solution to help. Pricing is located on our Meal Plan page and ask Dr. Cressman, N.D. if you have any other questions.
Attached is a sample 3-day eating plan to let you know what a plan would potentially look like. sample-diet
This helps make eating delicious, healthy foods easier.