Mother Warming: Benefits During Post-Partum Recovery
After giving birth, women are more prone to colds, flus, and fatigue because our qi (life energy) and blood is depleted and bodies are weakened after the birthing process. These depletions can affect energy levels, sleep, breast milk (quantity and quality), and overall well being.
To help with postpartum recovery, a treatment of smokeless moxibustion (a lit compressed herb called mugwort) is applied to the lower abdomen and lower back for 5-10 minutes on days 4 or 5 postpartum. It is a very simple and relaxing treatment.
Benefits of Mother Warming:
-Warms the uterus- for future healthy menstruation/fertility
-Can reduce postpartum uterine cramping
-Boosts the milk supply
-Treats and prevents prolapse
-Replenishes the Qi- which helps improve energy levels
-Nourishes the blood
-Helps promote a calm and stable state
-Helps increase iron levels during postpartum blood loss
-Is very relaxing
If you have any questions about Mother Warming, please feel free to contact Anna:
564-572 Weber Street North, Unit 3A Waterloo, Ontario N2L5C6